Equipment Introduction ====================== Physical connections -------------------- The physical connections of the installed hardware look like this: .. uml:: @startuml node "Stream Deck" as StreamDeck node "Raspberry Pi\nCompanion" as RPi node "ATEM Mini" as Atem node "RØDECaster Pro" as RODECaster node "PTZ controller" as Controller node "PTZ camera" as Cam node "Switch" RPi -down- Switch #line.bold;line:green;text:green : Ethernet StreamDeck -right- RPi #line.bold;line:orange;text:orange : USB Atem -up- Switch #line.bold;line:green;text:green : Ethernet Cam -right- Switch #line.bold;line:green;text:green : Ethernet Controller -left- Switch #line.bold;line:green;text:green : Ethernet RODECaster -left- Atem #line.bold;line:red;text:red : Jack Cam -down- Atem #line.bold;line:blue;text:blue : BNC / SDI @enduml Logical connections ------------------- The logical connections of the installed hardware look like this: .. uml:: @startuml node "Stream Deck" as StreamDeck node "Raspberry Pi\nCompanion" as RPi node "ATEM Mini" as Atem node "RØDECaster Pro" as RODECaster node "PTZ controller" as Controller node "PTZ camera" as Cam cloud Internet RPi <.right. StreamDeck #line.bold;line:green;text:green : Control RPi --> Atem #line.bold;line:green;text:green : Control RODECaster -left-> Atem #line.bold;line:red;text:red : Audio Cam -right-> Atem #line.bold;line:blue;text:blue : Video Controller --> Cam #line.bold;line:green;text:green : PTZ control Atem ..> Internet : Stream @enduml Network ------- The network looks like this: .. uml:: @startuml nwdiag { Internet [shape = cloud]; Internet -- Router; network Upstream { address = "DHCP"; color = "red"; Router [shape = database]; ATEM [shape = node]; RPi [shape = node]; } network Streaming { address = "" color = "green"; RPi [address = "", shape = node]; Controller [address = "", shape = node]; Cam1 [address = "", shape = node]; Cam2 [address = "", shape = node]; Cam3 [address = "", shape = node]; } } @enduml When the rack is connected in the office via VLAN ID ``4``, the network looks a bit different: .. uml:: @startuml nwdiag { Internet [shape = cloud]; Internet -- Router; network Streaming { address = "" color = "green"; Router [address = "", shape = database]; ATEM [address = "", shape = node]; RPi [address = "", shape = node]; Controller [address = "", shape = node]; Cam1 [address = "", shape = node]; Cam2 [address = "", shape = node]; Cam3 [address = "", shape = node]; } } @enduml